Directory Traversal Attack Case Study

July 7, 2023
James McGill
Directory traversal attack
Web security vulnerability
Server's root directory
Sensitive files
Source code
Configuration files
User data Arbitrary commands User input validation
Input validation flaws
Web application firewall (WAF)
Security patches
Directory Traversal Attack Case Study

Directory traversal attacks are a type of web security vulnerability that allows attackers to access data in directories other than the server's root directory. This can be used to read sensitive files, such as source code, configuration files, and user data. In some cases, directory traversal attacks can even be used to execute arbitrary commands on the server.

Directory traversal attacks are often caused by flaws in the way that web applications handle user input. For example, an application might allow users to specify the file name of a file that they want to download. If the application does not properly validate the file name, an attacker could submit a specially crafted file name that would allow them to access a restricted file.

Directory traversal attacks can be prevented by properly validating user input. This means that all input received from users should be checked to ensure that it does not contain malicious characters that could be used to exploit the vulnerability. In addition to input validation, there are a number of other security measures that can be taken to prevent directory traversal attacks. These include:

  • Using a web application firewall (WAF) to block malicious traffic

  • Keeping software up to date with the latest security patches

  • Educating users about the dangers of directory traversal attacks

By following these security measures, organizations can help to protect themselves from directory traversal attacks.

Case Study: Atlassian Jira Service Desk Server

In 2019, researchers discovered a critical severity vulnerability in Atlassian's Jira Service Desk Server and Jira Service Desk Data Center. This vulnerability allowed attackers to access customer data by submitting specially crafted URLs to the Jira application.

The vulnerability was caused by a flaw in the way that Jira handled file path parameters. When a user requested a file download, Jira would parse the file name parameter and construct a file path. If the file name parameter contained malicious characters, Jira would construct a file path that would allow the attacker to access a restricted file.

The vulnerability was patched by Atlassian in September 2019. However, before the patch was released, attackers were able to exploit the vulnerability to access customer data from a number of organizations.

Case Study: Fortinet FortiOS Operating System

In 2018, security researchers discovered a vulnerability in Fortinet's FortiOS operating system. This vulnerability allowed attackers to access the configuration files for FortiGate firewalls, which could then be used to gain unauthorized access to the firewall.

The vulnerability was caused by a flaw in the way that FortiOS handled file path parameters. When a user submitted a configuration file to the FortiOS management interface, FortiOS would parse the file path parameter and construct a file path. If the file path parameter contained malicious characters, FortiOS would construct a file path that would allow the attacker to access a restricted file.

The vulnerability was patched by Fortinet in December 2018. However, before the patch was released, attackers were able to exploit the vulnerability to gain unauthorized access to a number of FortiGate firewalls.


Directory traversal attacks are a serious security threat, but they can be prevented by following the security measures outlined above. By taking these steps, organizations can help to protect themselves from these attacks and keep their data safe.

In addition to the security measures mentioned above, there are a number of other things that organizations can do to protect themselves from directory traversal attacks. These include:

  • Using a secure coding methodology to develop web applications

  • Conducting regular security assessments to identify and fix security vulnerabilities

  • Implementing a security awareness training program for employees

By taking these steps, organizations can help to reduce their risk of being targeted by directory traversal attacks.

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